Friday, December 02, 2005


I am a student in India,and have the unfortunate "advantage" of "buddhi" which means tht I have to become a) A doctor, b) An engineer, or c) A manager ( no jobs allowed in between ). Today was not right in so many ways that I cannot even begin to express it : am bored. Have option to a) study, b) study (I am so badly afffected by my IITJEE preparations that I have been listing everything with abcd options.) . My most esteemed mathematics teacher at school is a complete moron - he is unable to comprehend the simplest uses of the cerebrum. They say "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups " - never underestimate the power of a stupid schoolmaster.

P.S. : I have been reading the Arsene Lupin series : does anyoine know the name of the Fourth book ?

P.P.S. : I hope that Manticore's Secret comes out soon.( read : before I die of boredom)

1 comment:

Unjustified Insanity~~ said...

Never underestimate the power of stupid people even when they are all alone xD