Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Big Crunch !!!

And Thus Ends the Big Bong !

This is a wall. It is made up of bricks and cement. I am losing
my creativity at dC/dt= Dr. Arun Sanyal 's IQ .

TADA !!! Bengali examinations are over, and thus ends the horror that is ISC... for those among you who are not acquainted with the vile workings of this council most evil, the ISC is a collective venture of some of the most sadistic carbon based bipeds ( and some who are unquestionably alien creatures - I am saying that they're alien ; Dasgupta agrees with me, so that's that ! ) that ever walked, or in some cases, waddled on planet Earth ( for directions check old post on location of Earth. It's Mostly Harmless. ), which seeks to take over our planet by ensuring that the next generation of humans will be mindless zombies, using a long term brainwashing method called "education".I have already made a ( rather small ) bonfire using some of my school books ( those of you who know me can understand how bad these books must be for me to do this ; for those who do not know me , I am a bibliophile, bookworm , gronthokeet, etc. : I LOVE boobs. ), which my mother found disagreeable for some reason - I mean, WHY, in the name of every obscure deity known to exist, would anyone want to keep such horriffying texts inside the house ? King has nothing on these stories - you read one of his books, and you get a thrill, and you'll be a little ... alert for the next couple of days. You read " Shabek Monushatta aar Haler Shine Kora " and " Shopnodorshon Biddabishoyok " and you'll be scarred for life... let me put it this way - on the DisgustoHorrifiMeter, they rank just under being permanently painted pink and just above witnessing a showering Sharma. ( Yes, I really, REALLY hate Pink. ).IIT preparations purodome cholche, I spent all of yesterday solving practice papers from Brilliant Tutorials and doing other such depressing stuff.
I am really sorry about the long wait, but it was unavoidable - IIT studies are very time consuming, and I have been...persuaded to lower myself to the henious task of learning band theory and colloids ( in the past few minutes ) and other such vile stuff of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics as nightmares are made on, and our massive syllabus is rounded with an examination. Pathetic, really, look at me, reduced to quoting from something as mundane as Shakespeare, instead of say, something of Maurice Leblanc or Shashi Tharoor, or Kenzaburo Oe or Yasunari Kawabata, or even Wislawa Szymborska or GGM - sad.. just sad. I think I'm turning into a Vogon.

-Bye, Debayan Gupta .


Anonymous said...

" gronthokeet, etc. : I LOVE boobs. ), which " - you love boobs ? is that a mistake or are you trying to flatter me ? If you are, plz think of a better line ! if i didnt know better, i'd think you were a perv ... hmm...

Shrutarshi Basu said...

Well, if do turn into a Vogon, at least you'll have lots of company

Anonymous said...

Debayan, I always believed that you were the type that wasnt attracted as much to the fairer sex, as much as the rest of us blokes. Now I hear you like BOOBS!! Well well, i must say you've made a man of yourself. Not everyone can profess to such admiration for mammary glands online you know! Bravissimo - Dibyayan

sv3 said...

the guy who wrote Shopnodorshon Biddabishoyok must have been on dope or something.

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

ADG said...

"Shabek Monushatta aar Haler Shine Kora" jyano kaar lekha?