Thursday, April 24, 2014

Climate change

Climate change apparently has another effect - a reduction in IQ. Or perhaps these idiots were simply weeded out in the past - perhaps we've just made it so easy to survive, that utter morons can make it to the world stage.

I just finished reading this. Nowadays, I just get annoyed when I see phrases like "studies show", or "recent data shows", or "analysis reveals". Sadly, Fox seems to be using "" to perform data analysis for the channel.

Here are some gems of crystallized stupidity from the post:
  • Recent satellite data shows that there has been no global warming for more than 17 years.
  • The global warming fixation [is] “an appeal to rich people” and “a concern of the elite”
  • I think we can frack and drill and mine for coal and still be good stewards for the planet. 
The comments are even better:
  • "This global warming scam is costing the taxpayers Billions. And believe you me they are putting Millions in their pockets."
  • "Global Warmism was explained in detail by Gustav Le Bon in his 1895 book on Group Psychology, called The Crowd. He details how crowds form opinions jumping from image to image, never checking the logical underpinnings, and form what are essentially religious beliefs, complete with persecution of heretics like Steyn. The Crowd, although little referenced today, was probably the book having the most influence on the 20th century, because it served as a manual for Teddy Roosevelt, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Lenin, Freud, and Madison Avenue."
  • "Climate Change is the natural process the world goes through year after year, century after century, eon after eon. Global Warming is what the idiots call Climate Change so they can blame it on someone and make money off of making people feel guilty and that they caused it when it is just the natural process the planet goes through."
  • Even the ones that believe in climate change are using anecdotal evidence to "prove" their points - "I have lived where I am in NW Oregon for nearly 30 years. Most snow we EVER got here was about 2-3 inches, once. Last winter we had a storm from 12 inches in a 24 hour period."
My God.

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