Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fresh fresher freshest

Well.. we finally had our freshers' welcome party on Monday... which was admittedly good.. kudos to Asad, and his "dynamic personality", as Dr. Nath put it.
The entertainment consisted of everything from songs to dances to jokes by Gurpreet, to altdressing (I am avoiding the term 'cross'), to Somark(self-explanatory). There were some excellently sung pieces.. and others which were.. not so excellent.. oh, &$R% it - some were pathetic. Gurpreet was hilarious.. the man himself, more than his jokes (which Tommy, aptly, classified as complex - p+ij, where the joke was.. well.. imaginary.), the violinist was quite good, and of course, the star attraction... the Mr. and Ms. fresher awards.... Ritesh aaaaannnd Stuti !
Surprise, surprise.
Please note : "We are only very good friends." - Ritesh.

By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes.

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