Earth. The third planet of a small yellow star in the outer part of the Orion arm of the Milky way, the second largest galaxy in the Virgo supercluster. Inhabited largely by carbon based bipeds who enjoy breaking things, these are commonly known as humans, most of whom fall under the subset of moron. These remarkable creatures are well known for their ability to completely ignore facts ( especially the group called 'politicians' ). Humans, insist, for some reason, not to abandon their offspring after a while ( as is common in other mammals ) but subject their children to a most hideous form of torture, called 'education', which completely crushes what little creativity remains, and ensures that the foolishness opf society continues.
Tchah ! By the way, here's
Dibyayan's message : Have a warm christmas Calcutta! I know i'll be having a (comparably) warm christmas as 2C. :) Take care all...miss you guys - Dibyayan
That's all folks,
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